Expressions Tracked
Project Babble outputs a subset of Unified Expressions. You can read more about these expressions and their mappings here.
Tracked Expressions
Expression |
cheekPuffLeft |
cheekPuffRight |
cheekSuckLeft |
cheekSuckRight |
jawOpen |
jawForward |
jawLeft |
jawRight |
noseSneerLeft |
noseSneerRight |
mouthFunnel |
mouthPucker |
mouthLeft |
mouthRight |
mouthRollUpper |
mouthRollLower |
mouthShrugUpper |
mouthShrugLower |
mouthClose |
mouthSmileLeft |
mouthSmileRight |
mouthFrownLeft |
mouthFrownRight |
mouthDimpleLeft |
mouthDimpleRight |
mouthUpperUpLeft |
mouthUpperUpRight |
mouthLowerDownLeft |
mouthLowerDownRight |
mouthPressLeft |
mouthPressRight |
mouthStretchLeft |
mouthStretchRight |
tongueOut |
tongueUp |
tongueDown |
tongueLeft |
tongueRight |
tongueRoll |
tongueBendDown |
tongueCurlUp |
tongueSquish |
tongueFlat |
tongueTwistLeft |
tongueTwistRight |
Getting started with the Babble App is as easy as 1-2-3!
1. Download and install the Project Babble App
Download the installer in the releases tab on Github.
Fun fact: The project Babble App will update itself whenever you open it!
2. Configure your camera
Insert the Camera IP address, COM (serial) port, or UVC (usb webcam) camera ID in the address slot and click save and restart tracking. What exactly you need to put is explained in the hardware page.
3. Calibrate, crop, and display
Enter cropping mode and crop the frame to your lower face. (Try to keep the crop as square as possible)
And you're done! Now, let's get you set up.
- For people who want to hop into VRChat, Resonite, or something else, click here